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Kid's Sewing Workshop: Winter Plushies

Date: Saturday, January 6th, 2018
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM

You can't say no to these adorable plushies! We will be making a minky polar bear with a tiny scarf.

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Class Description and Materials Needed
Do you have a young sewer looking to further their sewing abilities? Come down to our Sewing Workshops!  In these monthly kid's workshops, we will be learning many sewing techniques while completing a project in full during class.  This particular month we will be mking plushie polar bears.  We will be learning how to cut out fleece, sew with a difficult fabric such as Minky, sew on curves, and even hand sew with a whip stitch.  Class cost includes all materials to complete the class.

We ask that if your young sewer owns a sewing machine, that they bring it with them in class.  This way they can strenghten their knowledge on their own machine and wont get confused when we give them something different to use.  We do have machines to borrow if any child needs one.